Kamchatka region



Leading Economy Sectors

Biological Resources

The fishing industry is the main industry of cities and settlements in Kamchatka. In addition to the fishing industry sub-sectors and production itself (fishing, fish processing, protection and reproduction of fish resources), it includes a number of auxiliary and service industries and industries, as well as elements of the production and social infrastructure, the most important of which are ship repair, construction, transport, port facilities, container and net production. The share of fishing and fish farming in the gross regional product of the Kamchatka Territory is about 20%.

Leading Economy Sectors


The agricultural sector of Kamchatka Krai provides for the needs of the Krai population in high–quality agricultural products, fully satisfying the needs of the Krai in plant products (potatoes and open-air farming products), and partially satisfying the need in animal farming products (milk, eggs, and meat).

Leading Economy Sectors(2)

Natural Resources of the Krai

On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, precious metals (platinum, primary and loose gold, associated silver), gas and coal are mined, as well as primary enrichment of non-ferrous metals (nickel, copper, cobalt, mercury, tin). Gas and electrical power networks in the Krai’s settlements are currently being developed and extended.

Leading Economy Sectors(3)

The energy sector is of great significance for Kamchatka Krai

Today, the energy system of Kamchatka Krai includes a high–pressure heat and power plant (Kamchatka TPP-1, TPP-2), power lines, diesel and gas-diesel power stations operating in isolated and remote administrative regions of Kamchatka Krai, three geothermal power plants, four small hydroelectric power stations and wind power stations. Kamchatka Krai also boasts significant amounts of renewable energy resources (hydropower stations using the energy of rivers, sea tides, and earth heat) and non-renewable energy sources (brown coal, peat, and gas).

Leading Economy Sectors(4)

Tourism and Recreation Capabilities

Kamchatka is a unique peninsula, one of the richest places of the planet in terms of recreational and natural resources. Glaciers and volcanoes, mineral and thermal springs, the legendary Valley of Geysers and the fauna and flora untouched by civilization in most places—all these factors facilitated development of tourism in the area for ecology-minded tourists and those who enjoy extreme adventures, hiking, horseback riding, skiing and mountain climbing.Other tourists come here to try sea cruises, or observe wildlife in its natural habitat. The tourism products offered by travel companies for Kamchatka destinations are very different—from stationary recreation opportunities with an active tour program to exclusive tours, including travels around Kamchatka on helicopters or sea ships.

Leading Economy Sectors(5)

Associations and Sectoral Organizations

Business Russia

+7 (4152) 49-05-78


Opora Russia

+7 (924) 586-0900


Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

+7 (4152) 46-92-09 +7 (924) 784-08-27


Kamchatka Krai Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union

+7 (4152) 25-22-86


Research Institutes and Branches of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Leading Universities

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS A research institute in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky that studies volcanoes and earthquakes not only in Kamchatka, but throughout the world. Included in the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS).


Kamchatka State Technical University

Kamchatka State Technical University (Kamchat State Technical University) is the largest university in the region, an authoritative scientific and methodological center for engineering and marine education in the Kamchatka Territory. Kamchatka State Technical University leads its history since 1987.


Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University

The Kamchatka State Pedagogical Institute was organized in 1958 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR (No. 897) on the basis of the pedagogical school and was located in a three-story building on the street. The promenade built in the same year. The first classes in it took place on October 17, 1958, from this day the history of the institute counts.
