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The ASE Planetary Congress

  • The organizers

    Russian Convention Bureau Association
  • Dates

  • Location


Russia received the right to host the 34th Planetary Congress of the International Association of Space Explorers. It was planned that the congress will be held in 2021 in St. Petersburg and will be timed to coincide with a memorable date - the 60th anniversary of the world's first manned space flight on the Vostok spaceship, a citizen of the USSR Yury Gagarin. As part of the next congress, held in Minsk, the International Executive Committee of the Association of Space Flight Participants (AUFS) decided to hold the XXXIV Congress in 2021 in St. Petersburg. The Congress will be held with the support of the Russian Convention Bureau of Russia. Due to the pandemic, the congress has been postponed.

The congress is held on an annual basis in various countries whose citizens have made at least one space flight, and is the main event that brings together cosmonauts and astronauts from all over the world, designed to share experiences about space flights and information about achievements in the field of astronautics. As part of the congress, which lasts 5 days, the participants will take part in plenary sessions and working industry sessions, as well as visit specialized specialized educational institutions in the city of the congress and the region.